Why Use Relationship Maps in Your Enterprise Deals

Relationship maps are a visual representation of the individuals and teams within an organization and their relationships with one another. In this blog post, we’ll explore how relationship maps can help enterprise sellers win more deals.
Shankar Ganapathy
Co-Founder, Boomerang
Oct 5, 2023

In the world of enterprise sales, building relationships is key to success. The more connections you have within an organization, the more likely you are to win the deal. However, managing those relationships can be challenging. This is where relationship maps come into play. Relationship maps are a visual representation of the individuals and teams within an organization and their relationships with one another. In this blog post, we’ll explore how relationship maps can help enterprise sellers win more deals.

Building a Relationship Map

Before we dive into the benefits of relationship maps, it’s important to understand how to create one. Relationship maps can be created manually or with the help of specialized software. Manual relationship mapping involves researching an organization and its people, then mapping out their relationships on a whiteboard or piece of paper. Specialized software, on the other hand, can automate the process, saving time and effort.

To create a relationship map, start with the organization’s decision-makers. This includes executives, managers, and team leaders. Next, add in the influencers, those who may not make the final decision but can sway it. These individuals could include subject matter experts, advisors, and consultants. Finally, add in any other relevant individuals who may play a role in the decision-making process, such as technical experts, procurement teams, or legal departments.

Once you have your list of individuals, you can begin mapping out their relationships with one another. You may find that some people have multiple connections while others have none. Don’t worry if your map isn’t perfect, it’s a living document that can be updated as relationships change.

How to leverage Relationship maps in driving enterprise deals

Enterprise deals are complex and often involve multiple decision-makers and influencers within an organization. Leveraging relationship maps can help you navigate these complexities and drive successful enterprise deals. Here are some tips for leveraging relationship maps to drive enterprise deals:

  1. Identify key stakeholders: Start by identifying the key stakeholders within the organization you are targeting. This may include executives, department heads, IT professionals, procurement teams, and others. Use your relationship map to map out the hierarchy and relationships between these stakeholders.
  2. Understand their priorities: Once you have identified key stakeholders, research their priorities, challenges, and pain points. Use this information to tailor your sales approach and messaging to each stakeholder. Be sure to highlight how your solution can help solve their specific challenges and meet their unique needs.
  3. Build relationships: Relationships are key in driving enterprise deals. Use your relationship map to identify mutual connections and leverage these connections to build relationships with key stakeholders. Take the time to understand their needs and priorities, and establish yourself as a trusted partner who can help them achieve their goals.
  4. Create a shared vision: In order to drive a successful enterprise deal, you need to create a shared vision with your stakeholders. Use your relationship map to identify areas of alignment and work with stakeholders to develop a shared vision for how your solution can help them achieve their goals. This will help build consensus and ensure that all stakeholders are aligned and committed to the deal.

Benefits of Relationship Maps

Now that we understand how to create a relationship map let’s explore how they can help enterprise sellers win more deals.

1. Identify Decision Makers

One of the most significant benefits of relationship maps is their ability to help sellers identify decision-makers within an organization. By mapping out the relationships between individuals and teams, sellers can identify who has the most influence over the decision-making process. This allows them to focus their efforts on building relationships with those individuals and tailoring their sales approach to their needs and interests.

2. Build Relationships

Relationship maps also help sellers build relationships within an organization. By understanding the connections between individuals and teams, sellers can identify common interests and goals. This allows them to establish a rapport and build trust with their prospects. Relationship building is critical in enterprise sales, where deals can take months or even years to close.

3. Develop a Sales Strategy

Relationship maps can help sellers develop a sales strategy that is tailored to the organization and its decision-makers. By understanding the relationships between individuals and teams, sellers can identify the decision-making process and tailor their approach accordingly. This includes understanding who needs to be involved in the sales process, what their priorities are, and what their objections might be. A tailored sales strategy is much more effective than a one-size-fits-all approach.

4. Increase Sales Productivity

Relationship maps can also increase sales productivity by streamlining the sales process. By understanding the decision-making process and who needs to be involved, sellers can avoid wasting time on individuals who have no influence over the decision. This allows them to focus their efforts on building relationships with those who matter most.

5. Track Progress

Finally, relationship maps allow sellers to track their progress throughout the sales process. As relationships are built and strengthened, the map can be updated to reflect these changes. This helps sellers stay organized and on track, ensuring that they are not missing any critical relationships or opportunities.


In conclusion, relationship maps are a powerful tool for enterprise sellers. By mapping out the individuals and teams within an organization and their relationships with one another, sellers can identify decision-makers, build relationships, develop a sales strategy, increase sales productivity, and track their progress. Relationship maps are a living document

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