Boomerang vs. Zoominfo
Zoominfo is the largest database of sales prospects and Boomerang is the best solution for building high-quality pipeline through job change tracking. A typical record in Zoominfo gets refreshed once every 6-12 months whereas Boomerang makes sure you get in front of a past customer within 30 days of them joining their new job.

Vanguard Teams ❤️ Boomerang

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Why Modern Revenue Teams prefer Boomerang
because we vibe on what truly matters!

In sales, time wasted is money lost

Each customer deserves a 'solution'

No one needs another tool to go to

RIP generic, low-context emails

Trust is the new currency

We win only when You win

Tracking our customers for job changes and referrals, and remarketing to them is such an obvious growth engine. Boomerang helps us achieve this with zero effort.

I love Boomerang team’s passion for this problem! Of all the players,I found their product strategy and hands-on customer engagement model to be best suited to support Armis' aggressive growth goals.