Why do this campaign ?
Your customers in new jobs are amongst the highest intent signals. Through the Champion job change tracking campaign, you are tracking and following up with key contacts after job changes from your ‘current customer’ list.
Play 1
Your customers in new jobs are amongst the highest intent signals. Through the Champion job change tracking campaign, you are tracking and following up with key contacts after job changes from your ‘current customer’ list.
Mail 1 ( Wishes ): Send when we get lead
Mail 2 ( Referral ): Send after a week
Email 1
Email 2
Linkedin invitation to warm up contact may help with recall.
Conditions: All contacts - can customize according to type of leads
Focus on personalization for Ex-Buyers and Power Users with high satisfaction and engagement metrics. These are the leads who know and love your product.
Conditions: Key Buyer - Customer Accounts (Contacts linked with Closed Won opportunities)
Power Users - High NPS scores
You may not be able to generate a warm referral because the CSM/AE may not be that familiar enough, or they may have just simply left {YourCo}. In that case, you can namedrop the earlier CSM to build rapport with the prospect and entice them to reply.
Able to find warm connection, but unable to tap into the connection
All types of contacts