Play 5

Surface New ICP Hires in Customer Accounts

Type of contact that qualifies for this playbook

New contacts matching target persona  join customer accounts

Why do this campaign ?

New arrivals or champion departures are often one of the top reasons customers churn. Proactively identifying these job moments and activating plays ensures you are accelerating expansions and preventing churn

What actions to take with these contacts


Weekly alerts with a list of new target persona contacts that have joined customer accounts


  • Find new contacts that join customer accounts and add them to CRM
  • Find champion departures from customer accounts and notify CSMs/AMs/ELT


Increase adoption and continuously secure leadership buy-in by staying in touch with key roles.

Boomerang plays

When Boomerang finds new contacts that join customer accounts, it will proactively create new contacts in CRM and notify the account team.

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