Play 7

Detractor Moment into Target, Customer or Open Opportunities

Type of contact that qualifies for this playbook

All detractors identified by sale or customer success team

Why do this campaign ?

33% of churn is because of a detractor action. Proactively tracking their job moments and risk mitigating it will minimize damage

What actions to take with these contacts


Alert to the right internal stakeholder based on the type of moment. I.e. if they move to a customer account, tell the customer account team, if they move to open opportunity, tell the deal team etc


● Executive engagement to rebuild the relationship
● Multi-threading to corner detractor


Proactively reach out and build relationships with key detractor that join customer or target accounts

Booemrang plays

Boomerang helps define complex scenarios so that the right people are made aware when detractors come into their world. Boomerang can also trigger multi-threading activities so that everyone know what they are supposed to do bridge the new gap that a detractor brings in.

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