The 90-Day Window: How to Systematically Re-Engage Past Champions in New Roles

Job change software re-engages past champions, boosts mindshare, and betters data quality than LinkedIn/Zoominfo. Worth it?
Shankar Ganapathy
Co-Founder, Boomerang
Jun 13, 2024
3 min


The Importance of Job Change Tracking

As a sales and marketing professional, one of the most crucial aspects of my job is staying ahead of the curve and capitalizing on every opportunity to drive growth. In today's fast-paced business landscape, where job changes are frequent and competition is fierce, it's essential to have a system in place for effective job change tracking to respond to these changes, especially when they involve champions or power users within your high value customer accounts.

Job change tracking isn't just a nice-to-have; it's a strategic imperative that can make or break your ability to scale and maintain a competitive edge. When a champion or power user changes roles, it represents a significant shift in dynamics and priorities within the organization. Failing to recognize and adapt to these changes through robust champion tracking can result in missed opportunities to generate repeat business, stagnant pipelines, and ultimately, lost revenue.

Hiring Signals Strategic Change

When an organization hires leaders at the Director level or above, it's a strong indication that strategic changes are on the horizon. These high-level hires aren't brought in randomly; they're tasked with solving specific problems that the company's current team can't address effectively. 

These newly appointed leaders aren't going to rush into purchasing new tools or implementing sweeping changes right away. Instead, their initial focus during the first one to three months is to prioritize the most pressing issues and chart a course for addressing them systematically.

This transitional period presents a crucial window of opportunity for vendors and solution providers. By consistently engaging with previous customers in their new roles, as well as the teams they've joined, you can position your offering as a strategic priority that aligns with the goals and objectives of the incoming leadership. Effective job change tracking is essential for identifying these opportunities.

The Early Engagement Advantage

When a former champion or power user changes jobs, especially into a leadership role, it signals a strategic shift within their new organization. These individuals are hired to solve specific challenges that the existing team cannot address effectively. However, they typically don't rush into purchasing new tools right away. Instead, they spend the first 1-3 months prioritizing the most pressing issues and formulating a plan of action.

This initial period presents a critical window of opportunity for your company to consistently engage with these past champions in their new roles. By staying top-of-mind and demonstrating your value proposition's alignment with their goals, you increase the likelihood of your solution becoming a strategic priority for them, leading to repeat purchases. Robust champion tracking is crucial for identifying these opportunities.

Consistently engaging during this crucial phase allows you to shape the narrative and position your offering as a key enabler for their success. It's an opportunity to showcase your deep understanding of their challenges, share relevant case studies, and provide insights that resonate with their current priorities.

Moreover, this early engagement lays the foundation for a lasting relationship, fostering trust and credibility. When you're proactive in supporting their transition and demonstrating your commitment to their success, you solidify your position as a trusted partner, rather than just another vendor vying for their attention. This is a key aspect of effective customer relationship marketing and is facilitated by reliable job change tracking.

Orchestrating Mindshare

Establishing and maintaining mindshare with best customers after a job change is a team sport that requires a coordinated effort across multiple functions within an organization. It's a crucial exercise that demands strategic alignment and seamless execution, and champion tracking plays a vital role in this process.

The CEO can initiate the process by sending a personalized congratulatory email to the buyer, offering support and guidance in their new role. This gesture not only demonstrates goodwill but also reinforces the company's commitment to the buyer's success.

Next, the Account Manager (AM) can follow up with a thoughtful gift or a personalized message, further solidifying the relationship and expressing appreciation for the buyer's trust in the company's products or services. These relationships in sales are crucial for driving repeat business.

The Sales Development Representatives (SDRs) and Account Executives (AEs) can then work in tandem, employing multi-threading techniques to engage the buyer and their team simultaneously. This approach ensures that the company's value proposition resonates across various stakeholders, increasing the likelihood of being considered a strategic priority. These efforts can help generate more leads and warm sales leads. Effective job change tracking is essential for identifying the right stakeholders to engage with.

The Field Marketing team can complement these efforts by extending invitations to the buyer to attend local events, such as city tours or industry conferences. These events provide valuable networking opportunities and position the company as a thought leader in the industry.

Meanwhile, the Account-Based Marketing (ABM) team can deploy targeted advertising campaigns, showcasing relevant case studies and content tailored to the buyer's new role and challenges. This approach reinforces the company's expertise and demonstrates a deep understanding of the buyer's specific needs, leveraging remarketing for B2B and ex customer remarketing strategies.

By orchestrating a cohesive and coordinated effort across multiple teams, companies can effectively establish and maintain mindshare with buyers during the critical first 90 days after a job change. This strategic approach not only increases the chances of being considered a Voice of the Customer (VOC) but also positions the company as a trusted partner in achieving the buyer's goals and objectives. It's one of the best sales strategies for driving growth, and champion tracking is a critical component of this process.

The Dismal Re-engagement Reality

It's a harsh reality, but most companies struggle to effectively re-engage with buyers after they change jobs. Studies show that a staggering 1-2% of customer leads change jobs every month, yet a whopping 85% of these buyers are not engaged within the critical first 90 days after their job transition. This dismal re-engagement rate represents a massive missed opportunity for companies to capitalize on existing relationships and establish themselves as strategic partners in the buyer's new role. Effective job change tracking is essential for addressing this challenge.

The failure to promptly and proactively re-engage with buyers after a job change can have severe consequences. During those first few months, buyers are typically open to evaluating new solutions and comparing them to the status quo. However, if a company fails to seize this window of opportunity, the buyer may solidify their existing preferences and become more resistant to change. Consequently, companies that neglect re-engagement efforts risk losing valuable high value clients and missing out on significant revenue opportunities.

The Open Mindset Opportunity

When people change jobs, they often enter a new environment with different processes, tools, and ways of working. Even if they were comfortable with the status quo at their previous company, they may be more open to exploring alternative solutions that better align with their new organization's needs and priorities.

This transitional period presents a prime opportunity for vendors to engage with these buyers. While they may have been content with their existing tools and vendors before, the job change introduces a fresh perspective and a willingness to consider new options that could potentially better support their goals in the new role.

Buyers in this mindset are more receptive to learning about innovative solutions and comparing them to what they're currently using. They understand that their new company may have different requirements, and they're more inclined to evaluate alternatives that could potentially offer a better fit or additional value. This presents an excellent opportunity to acquire new customers and generate warm leads. Robust champion tracking is crucial for identifying these opportunities.

By proactively reaching out and engaging with buyers during this critical transition phase, vendors can position themselves as potential partners and demonstrate how their offerings can help the buyer succeed in their new role. Even if the buyer ultimately decides to stick with their existing solutions, the engagement process can help build rapport and establish your company as a viable option for future consideration. This is a key aspect of effective customer relationship marketing.

Data Quality Challenges

One of the major drawbacks of relying on tools like LinkedIn and ZoomInfo for job change tracking is the issue of data quality. These platforms often struggle to accurately identify genuine job changes, resulting in a significant number of false positives.

In the case of LinkedIn, up to 30% of the reported job changes can be inaccurate. This happens when users update their profiles with secondary roles or positions unrelated to their primary employment, such as volunteer work or hobbies. These false positives can lead to wasted efforts and resources as sales teams pursue leads that are not actually relevant.

On the other hand, ZoomInfo's data refresh cycle can take several months, leading to delays in capturing the most up-to-date job changes. By the time the information is updated, valuable opportunities may have been missed, and competitors may have already engaged with the potential leads.

The noise and inaccuracies in the data provided by these tools can quickly become frustrating for sales teams. When faced with a high volume of irrelevant or outdated leads, sellers may lose interest and deprioritize the task of re-engaging with champions who have changed jobs. This lack of prioritization can result in missed opportunities and a failure to capitalize on the potential for continued business relationships. Effective champion tracking solutions can help address these data quality challenges.

The Cost of Inefficiency

Poor data quality can have a significant impact on sales and marketing efforts, leading to wasted time, resources, and lost opportunities. When sellers are faced with inaccurate or outdated information, they become disengaged and less likely to prioritize outreach efforts. This disengagement can result in missed opportunities to connect with potential buyers during critical moments, such as when they have recently changed jobs.

Inaccurate data not only undermines the effectiveness of sales and marketing campaigns but also erodes trust in the systems and processes designed to support revenue growth. Sellers may become skeptical of the data they receive, leading to a reluctance to rely on it for decision-making or outreach efforts. This lack of confidence can create a vicious cycle, further diminishing the quality of data and exacerbating the problem.

Moreover, poor data quality can lead to inefficient use of resources. Sales and marketing teams may waste time and effort pursuing leads or accounts that are no longer relevant or have outdated information. This not only reduces productivity but also increases operational costs, as more resources are dedicated to manually verifying and cleaning up data.

Ultimately, the cost of inefficiency caused by poor data quality can be substantial, impacting revenue generation, customer acquisition, and overall business performance. By investing in dedicated solutions that prioritize accurate and up-to-date information, particularly when it comes to job change tracking, organizations can mitigate these risks and position themselves for success in a dynamic and competitive marketplace. This is crucial for effective customer remarketing and ex customer retargeting efforts.

Investing in Dedicated Solutions

Investing in a dedicated job change tracking solution can be a game-changer for companies looking to stay ahead of the curve and capitalize on the opportunities presented by employee mobility. While traditional tools like LinkedIn and data providers offer some level of job change tracking, they often fall short in providing timely, accurate, and comprehensive data.

A dedicated job change tracking solution is designed specifically to address the unique challenges and nuances of this critical aspect of account management. By leveraging advanced algorithms and data sources, these solutions can provide real-time updates on job changes, minimizing the risk of false positives and ensuring that your team is always working with the most up-to-date information.

Moreover, these solutions often come with powerful features that streamline the re-engagement process. Automated workflows can be set up to trigger personalized outreach campaigns, ensuring that your company remains top-of-mind for former champions and decision-makers in their new roles. This level of orchestration and coordination across various teams, from marketing to sales to customer success, can be incredibly difficult to achieve without a dedicated platform.

By investing in a job change tracking solution, companies can not only improve their data quality but also gain a significant competitive advantage. With the ability to quickly identify and engage with former champions in their new roles through effective champion tracking, companies can increase their chances of being considered for strategic initiatives and new opportunities within those accounts. This is a key aspect of effective retargeting for B2B and remarketing for B2B strategies.

Ultimately, the investment in a dedicated job change tracking solution is a strategic decision that can pay dividends in terms of increased revenue, improved customer retention, and a more efficient and effective account management process. As the pace of employee mobility continues to accelerate, companies that prioritize this aspect of their operations will be better positioned to thrive in an increasingly competitive business landscape.

Scaling with Systems

Scaling is all about systematizing growth levers. Champions or power users who change jobs represent a significant growth lever that deserves serious attention at the C-level. Consistently being in front of past champions in their new roles and the teams they join will go a long way in making your product or service a strategic priority for achieving their goals. Effective job change tracking is essential for this process.

Effective scaling requires a systematic approach to re-engaging customers and prospects after a job change. This involves orchestrating mindshare during those crucial first 90 days through a coordinated effort across various teams and channels. For example, a programmatic re-engagement strategy could involve:

- The CEO sending a congratulatory email to the new hire and offering assistance.

- The past account manager sending a congratulatory gift the following week.

- Sales reps and SDRs working together to multi-thread the account.

- Field marketing inviting the new hire to upcoming events or city tours.

- The ABM team displaying relevant ads and case studies.

By systematizing this process, you can guarantee being a voice of the customer (VOC) if your offerings align with the new hire's priorities. Investing in dedicated champion tracking solutions can streamline this process, ensuring timely and accurate data for efficient re-engagement. This is a crucial component of effective customer relationship marketing and a key strategy to get more leads, generate pipeline, and drive revenue growth.

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  2. Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.
  • Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

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